Friday, October 27, 2006

Berlin Fair contributes Biofuels

The folks at the South Kensington Fire department donated all their used cooking oil from their booth at the Berlin Fair. If you've been to a country fair, you know there's a lot of frying going on. Thanks Guys! Your oil will probably heat my house for at least a month this winter.

Learning to use raw oils will be a key part to our biofuels future...if only because raw oils will always be cheaper than processed oils (like biodiesel). Many current commercial waste oil furnaces can burn straight waste veg oil with some filtering, and our experiments on using current home furnaces is progressing well.

Perhaps by next year many homes in Berlin will be heated by biodiesel or waste veg oil...that would be something worth crowing about at the next fair!


At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from Houston! --

Just want to thank you for your great blog.

It's really informative and encouraging.

I've worked in the oil industry for many years... and I can't wait to make the BD switch!




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