Thursday, July 20, 2006

Biodiesel Factory in CT

Late posting is still posting, sorry. I got invited to the grand openning of the first Biodiesel manufacturing plant in my state of CT. Governor Rell (in Red) and a surprising amount of local press was there. The company,, is a modest faciluty starting out under half a million gallons per year. This will probably not effect prices in CT as Biodiesel demand is growing much faster than this facory can increase production.

However, this may help our Energy Independent Farm Project. We're hoping to get a model; farm growing enough oil to power its own tractors, increase profit margins and hopefully stabilizing overhead expenses. Farmers pre-sell their crops before they are sown, but variation in energy costs can eat up these profits before harvest. The CT Biodiesel Consortium thinks that, with a addition infrastructure, farmers could turn their oil into biodiesel. I'm working on an angle used in Europe, which is to use the oil dirrectly without the expensive biodiesel conversion. Either way, it is a great project. More details on asoon to come link.


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