Monday, May 22, 2006

110 more gallons, feelin' good!

Gus Kellog delivered more BioD on Saturday while I was out at the CT Boogie (pics at This should last us the summer, though a lot of camping trips are planned. Still wish I could figure out a convenient way to accurately measure my usage....this weekend we are supposed to go on The Big Memorial Day canoe trip and it would be a great chance to check it.

If you live in CT, you should know about and Gus Kellog. He's the only operation selling (or delivering) retail quantities of ASTM quality 100% Biodiesel. Best part is, FREE delivery. His business is probably growing faster than he expected, so get in early. Remember, someday BioD will be as common as gasoline...and who has gasoline delivered to their house? Sooner or later, we will be filling up with biodiesel at every station, which will be great...

...but the pleasure of filling-up out of a pump at your house can not be underestimated. Its not just the many Biodiesel-is-great feelings, it is also something about feeling more independent when you have your own supply of fuel...I'm sure I'd feel it with a tank of gasoline in the garage. Whenever you want, just go and get some! Ahhhh. Like having a kegorater. And who doesn't feel jerked around by the gas stations? Feeling good and independent is part of what this whole union of Biodiesel and Jeep is about.


Friday, May 19, 2006

55 Gallons....burp!

The Jeep finished its first 55 gallons of ASTM Biodiesel. Initially we broke it in with blends but by the end, it was only getting the good stuff. Many folks off the Yahoo CRD list have been swapping BioD experiences, and all have had positive results so far. Everyone indicated improved engine sound, no smoke, and a better smell. I noticed all of these.

One person indicated better mileage, but this is something we haven't quantitatively tested. At this point (10k on the car) most diesels are just breaking in, so mileage can generally improve over time ANYWAY (gotta love diesels!), so we will wait until another long-trip opportunity can let us compare on an out-and-back. Also, we don't have any meters for measuring the BioD, so we can only measure the amount we re-fill with dinodiesel from a pump. Any suggestions on an accurate way to measure biodiesel at our house would be appreciated!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Jeep Bioblog goes live

Imagine the thrill of returning to this blog daily to find more drivel from your favorite fuel fanatic. Sorry, too good to resist. Also a place to leave comments and share ideas. More to come.