Friday, May 19, 2006

55 Gallons....burp!

The Jeep finished its first 55 gallons of ASTM Biodiesel. Initially we broke it in with blends but by the end, it was only getting the good stuff. Many folks off the Yahoo CRD list have been swapping BioD experiences, and all have had positive results so far. Everyone indicated improved engine sound, no smoke, and a better smell. I noticed all of these.

One person indicated better mileage, but this is something we haven't quantitatively tested. At this point (10k on the car) most diesels are just breaking in, so mileage can generally improve over time ANYWAY (gotta love diesels!), so we will wait until another long-trip opportunity can let us compare on an out-and-back. Also, we don't have any meters for measuring the BioD, so we can only measure the amount we re-fill with dinodiesel from a pump. Any suggestions on an accurate way to measure biodiesel at our house would be appreciated!


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